News & Updates

Digital Diagnostics and Their Impact on Doctor-Patient Communication

As a result of the pandemic, we’ve seen growth within our culture and society in more ways than one. Because of social distancing and quarantine, many companies and industries needed to find a way to ensure people could still use their products and resources...

Hidden Signs of Retinoblastoma in Juveniles

Attending school and deciding which toy to play with was likely the extent of your childhood concerns. However, for children suffering from retinoblastoma, their daily life can look completely different. Here are signs of retinoblastoma and treatment options available...

The Kids’ Glasses are Alright: Safe Glasses for Kids

Did you know that vision disorders in children are not uncommon and often go untreated? One in four children will experience a vision problem that interferes with learning or behavior. Think about it. So much of what children learn is by seeing. If they have trouble...

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