Our mission: reduce childhood blindness by 20%.
With one photograph, you can detect potential eye problems such as amblyopia, cancer, uveitis, congenital glaucoma, cataract, retinal detachment, and other diseases or disorders.
Detect and correct problems early.
It’s as easy as downloading the app and taking a picture. You can screen your children for a variety of eye problems within seconds, without leaving your home. If your child’s vision is found to be at risk, you’ll be directed to nearby professionals for a thorough evaluation and treatment.
Easy to Use
Intuitive and user-friendly, KidsVisionCheck walks you through each step of the process.
Did You Know…

According to the World Health Organization report, Vision 20/20, a child goes blind every 60 seconds.
30% of children have eyesight problems that could negatively impact their health, their progress at school, and their integration into society.

One in four children have a vision problem that can interfere with learning and behavior.
80% of everything children learn comes through their eyes.

95% of first grade non-readers have nearly 2.5 times more visual problems than first grade high achievers.
50% of parents in the US with children under 12 have never taken their child to an eye care professional.

60% of students identified as problem learners have undetected vision problems.
80% of children who are reading disabled have vision problems which can be solved if detected early enough.

One in twenty children are at risk for permanent vision loss.

I can’t believe this app is free to parents! It’s absolutely invaluable. I plan to use it as my child grows to make sure we catch any problems early.

It’s a relief to know my son’s eyes are “ok” now, but we have a history of eye disorders on both sides of the family, so I plan to use this app often!

My heart dropped when I saw the results, but the quick referral to a specialist helped me get past the panic quickly so we could start making plans.